Features of mrtp act 1969 pdf

Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act, 1969 mrtp act, for brief was. Mrtp act monopolistic and restrictive trade practice. The following points highlight the seven main recommendations of mrtp act. On the basis of recommendation of dutt committee, mrtp act was enacted in 1969 to ensure that concentration of economic power in hands of few rich. Mrtp act, 1969 free download as powerpoint presentation. Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act, 1969 mca. The monopolies and restrictive trade practices act, 1969. The mrtp act extends to the whole of india except jammu and kashmir. An act to provide that operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of economic power to the common detriment, for the control of monopolies, for the prohibition of monopolistic and restrictive trade practices and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The act was there to prohibit monopolistic and restrictive trade practices. An act to provide that operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration. Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act 1970 gktoday. Unless the central government otherwise directs, this act shall not apply to. Definitions in this act, unless the context otherwise requires.

An interesting feature of the statute is that is envelops within its ambit, fields of. Mrtp act 1969 pdf section 10 of the mrtp act, empowers the mrtp commission to enquire into monopolistic or restrictive trade practices upon a reference from the. Unfair trade practicesa new concept introduced by the mrtp amendment act. Monopolistic and restrictive trade practice under act, 1969. The mrtp act,1969 also provides for appointment of a director general of. Any agreement which contains characteristics of these agreements will have to. Trade practices act, 1969, and the companies act, 1956, was brought before.

Competitive advocacy competitive commission of india cci functions of cci and its principle mrtp vs competition act conclusion. The monopolies and restrictive trade practices act 1969. The mrtp act, 1969 also provides for appointment of a. In this act, unless the context otherwise requires. As has been explained earlier, this research is aimed at the critical analysis of the mrtp act, 1969. Here in this chapter we shall discuss about the role of the mrtp act as the competition. The new mrtp act was greatly influenced by its foreign counterparts such as sherman act and clayton act of usa, the mrtp inquiry and control act, 1948 and the resale prices act, 1964 of the uk, etc. Metamorphosis from mrtp act, 1969 to competition act, 2002 19. The mrtp act lays down provisions detailing the terms of office, conditions of service. The diffence between the mrtp act 1969 and the competition act 2002 is as follows the mrtp act was enacted in the pre liberalisation era whereas the competition act is enacted in the post.

The monopolies restrictive trade practices mrtp act, 1969 came into force from 1st. Chapter iii monopolies and restrictive trade practices act 1969. Evaluation of the monopolies and restrictive trade practices act, 1969. Chapter iii monopolies and restrictive trade practices act. Introduction it came in to force from 1 june 1970 it is designed to ensure that the operation of the economic system does not result in concentration of the economic power to the common detriment. Share your knowledge share your word file share your pdf file share. Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act, 1969. Why india adopted a new competition law cuts ccier. The monopolies and restrictive trade practices act 1969 1. Its establishment, feature and functioning the government of india enacted monopolies and restrictive trade practices 1969, with an objective of preventing the concentration of economic power to the common detriment of the public, for the control of the monopolies and prohibition of monopolistic and restrictive trade practices.

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